Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Saturday course in Advanced Subtitling

Translation Group at Imperial College London

Saturday 26th May 2012

Advanced Subtitling

There are still places available for the Advanced Subtitling
workshop being held by the Translation Group at Imperial College on the 26th May 2012.
This is open to professionals as well as students.

Course Content
From the European Parliament to Walt Disney, from film dialogue to song: a hands-on workshop on interlingual subtitling.
The course will start with a brief review of the main theoretical and practical issues concerning interlingual subtitling, as well as of the main features of the subtitling software in use (WinCAPS), as a reminder to those who participated in the previous workshop and an introduction to those who did not. This will be followed by a more hands-on workshop during which the participants will have the opportunity to work with a number of different audiovisual texts. Some of the time will be devoted to working on the English texts, practising segmentation, condensation and other relevant techniques, while some of the time will be devoted to their translation into the target language of choice. Depending on the language pairs chosen by the participants, some material might be provided in other languages for translation into English.
Some time will be left at the end for questions. A list of useful websites and other sources of information will be given to all the participants.

Course Trainer
Adriana Tortoriello

£60 (students concession)

Including tea/coffee & buffet lunch

To apply for a place please email Naomi Anderson-Eyles n.andersoneyles@imperial.ac.uk

Naomi Anderson-Eyles
MSc Translation Administrator

Imperial College
Humanities Department
Level 3 Sherfield Building, Room S312C
South Kensington Campus
Tel: +44(0)207 594 8833

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