- Date: 25 Apr 2014
- Start Time: 09:00 am
- Location/venue: University College London
Gower Street
London , England, WC1E 6BT
This event is funded as part of the Arts & Humanities workshop and seminar series 2013-14. The workshop is free to attend for
delegates from both subscribing and non-subscribing institutions but
booking is essential to secure your place as numbers are limited.
This day of workshops and seminars investigates digital technology in
interlingual media and performance alongside digital applications for
intercultural literary and historical research. A combination of panel
presentations, discussions and practical computer laboratory sessions
address innovative practice in interlingual transfer for theatre, film,
museums, literature and history.
The event will
consist of two panels (morning and afternoon), each made up of five
fifteen-minute presentations from invited experts, from within and
outside UCL, of inter-connected topics followed by general discussion.
The morning session will focus on media and performance (digital tools
in film, theatre and museum translation) while the afternoon will
consider literary and historical digital applications.
These sessions will be separated by parallel workshops, offering
participants the opportunity to practice or learn specific digital
skills in subtitling or digital humanities. A networking lunch will be
accompanied by a poster session (a Call for Posters will be issued in
October 2013) during which current research activities in the Arts and
Humanities digital field can be discussed with and disseminated to
participants. Collaborative discussion and practical engagement is
therefore available to all participants.
The main sessions will be preceded by coffee/registration and opening
remarks and followed by an informal reception to enable the
continuation of questions and answers arising from the sessions.
The symposium will have its own web pages within the UCL site to
document the event and its outcomes, and social media will also be used
to create a sustainable network for the sharing of future events and
developments. Participants will be requested to complete a feedback
These sessions aim to showcase the relevance of digital technologies
to teaching and research across the Arts and Humanities, in particular:
- To investigate the potential of digital databases in literary and linguistic practice;
- To demonstrate the use of translation software in interlingual communication in media and performance;
- To share and publicise new developments in digital tools for recording and developing artistic endeavour and research;
- To create a forum for debate around the use of technology in the Arts and Humanities;
- To initiate a network of participants in Higher Education
institutions for the discussion and sharing of interlingual digital
practices in the Arts and Humanities.
9 -9.45 am. Pre-sessional registration and coffee (Roberts Building Foyer and G09)
9.45 – 10 am. Opening remarks
10 am – 12 pm. Panel: ‘Digital technology in media and performance’.
- New Trends in Subtitling: The Crowd & The Cloud - Emmanouela Patiniotaki (UCL)
- Subtitling and machine translation – Pilar Lapena Lazaro (VSI and SUMAT)
- Digital tools in theatre translation – Dr Claire Larsonneur (Université Paris 8)
- Surtitling in opera – Dr Lucile Desblache (Roehampton)
- Upsides, Downsides: Technology and Audio Description - Dr Louise Fryer ( UCL)
Followed by discussion: ‘How can digital technologies be harnessed to improve intercultural communication through performance?’
12 – 1 pm. Parallel workshops. Choice of:
- Hands-on subtitling session (CenTraS Lab)- led by Lindsay Bywood (UCL) OR
- Digital text analysis tools' (Foster Court Cluster Room B29) - led by David Beavan (UCL)
13:00 – 14:00: Lunch and poster presentations, including the award of a prize for the best poster (judged by the organising committee).
14:00 – 16:00: Panel: ‘Interlingual digital scholarship in the Humanities’.
- URLs for non-Roman script – Chris Dillon (UCL)
- Computational semantics and information extraction: ideas for the
humanities - Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha (Cambridge) and Andreas Vlachos (UCL)
- Mapping and Literary Cartography - Sarah Young (UCL)
- Project overview: Survey of English Usage - Seth Mehl (UCL)
Followed by discussion: ‘How can the creative arts embrace technology while still keeping their soul?’
17:00 – 18:00: Post-sessional reception.
List of Organisers -
David Beavan (Information Studies), Dr Geraldine Brodie (SELCS),
Lindsay Bywood (CenTraS), Christophe Declercq (CenTraS), Dr Dina
Gusejnova (History)
This event is co-funded by the UCL Arts & Humanities and Social
& Historical Sciences Joint Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies.
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