Thursday, 28 January 2010

Getting started - welcome!

Dear blog visitor

Welcome to the blog of Imperial College’s Translation Group. In an era where everybody feels entitled to voice opinions in blogs, and jury or voter based programmes make up a significant part of television broadcasts, it is not our intention to just add a blog for its own sake.

We intend to use this as a platform for events that are organised by the Translation Group and to make the things that happen around the department available to a wider public.

As such you can be expecting announcements of upcoming events such as Saturday or Summer Courses, a Getting Started in Translation Profession Week, visiting speakers, visiting academics as well as news and faits divers from both translation studies and the wider translation industry.

The blog is set to allow for visitors and users to add comments yourselves, so please feel free to contribute constructive content in any way, shape or form you consider appropriate.

Imperial College London’s Translation Group


  1. I'm delighted that this new forum is now available - please do contribute to help ensure its success.

    Mark Shuttleworth

  2. This is a good idea as a forum for translation-related events that don't necessarily come under the umbrella of Imperial College. I would like to suggest one:
    University of East Anglia Literary Translation Summer School - I know Nicky Harman has been involved with this - the programme should be available in Feb, when enrolment will also open. A change from the technical, medical and scientific topics!
    Search for British Centre for Literary Translation at UEA (it seems the comment box doesn't allow pasting of urls)
    Anne Hargreaves (MSc Trans part-timer 2005-2007
